Partnership Opportunities
We rely on our partnerships to allow us to expand our services that help people build better lives. Your partnership is not just an act of charity, it demonstrates that you or your brand cares enough to get involved at the community level, which will enhance your peer and brand recognition. Our sponsors names and logos will appear on, among other things, our brochures, signage at Sunday Brunches, and t-shirts for various events. We will also feature you on our social media sites and our website.
Key Partners
BMP Brand Management
Crityx the App
Kaminski & Company, P.C.
Beth Kirkpatrick
Local Foods
Orange Theory Fitness
Origins, Inc.
PV Rentals
Shannon B. Thompson Interior Design
Signature Aspen Imaging
tina and company
arc electric
Jim and Marsha Braniff Foundation
Fran McFarren
Donor in the Hamptons
School Partners
Presbyterian School
St. John’s School--permission
Faith Partners
Beth Yusherin Congregation
Community Partners
Texas Freight Services
The Chocolate Orb
USI Insurance
Non-Profit Partners
Houston Healthcare for the Homeless
Cub Scout Pack 11
Employment Partners
Priority Protection & Investigations
T’s Construction Services
Houston Rockets-permission
Goodwill Industries -permission
C.R. England Trucking
Housing Partners
Harmony House
Dan Amlaw